
Roberta Metsola

President of the European Parliament

Election of the President of Parliament: statement by the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola

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Today, the European Parliament held a debate with the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán on the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council. In her opening remarks, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola said that Parliament's focus remains on delivering for people on the issues that matter to them, on strengthening competitiveness, ensuring security, and supporting Ukraine.

    • Thursday, October 17, 2024  

      Events of the day  

      08:00 President Metsola participates in the EPP Summit
                President Metsola participates in the European Council, followed by a press conference

Roberta Metsola
President of the European Parliament


European Parliament Paul-Henri SPAAK 09B011 60, rue Wiertz 1047 Brussels Belgium



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