We can only deal with crisis successfully if all of us are on board 


Addressing a full chamber at the European Parliament in Brussels, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola said: "The future of Europe is full of unbridled possibility that we must seize. We can both save our planet and protect our ability to make a living and support the world around us. Europe must and should continue leading by example." The Conference 'Beyond Growth' was organised at the initiative of the Co-Chair of the Group of the Greens/EFA Philippe Lamberts.

Thank you dear Philippe,
Dear President of the European Commission, dear Ursula, 
Dear friends,

I would like to welcome all of you here to the European Parliament, our house of European democracy.

This was one of the first events I committed to, as soon as I was elected President of this House. Philippe, you have always been future oriented and someone who has always understood that our responsibility as politicians goes beyond the short-termism of our mandates. So this conference today is as apt as it is important.

Our world is rapidly changing. Right now we are dealing with the effects of a global pandemic, war on our continent, an energy crisis, inflation - all against the backdrop of a climate crisis.

These crises are existential: to Europe and to our world.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine highlighted the cracks in our energy systems and our security strategy.  It has reinforced the necessity of diversifying our energy supply. Of turning our focus towards renewables and sustainable sources of energy. Of cooperating further on the issues that are fundamental to our Europe.

Recent geo-political events and their consequences shook us. But they have also shown us the power of unprecedented unity. When it comes down to it, the European Union can enact a massive amount of change in a short time. 

We have recently turned to law the green deal ambition to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. We are making sure that Europe is on track to be the world’s first climate-neutral continent. It is not only about going green for green’s sake. It is about growth, jobs, security and ensuring our continent is on a firm foothold for the next generation to inherit it. That is what sustainability is. 

It is growth that we have to deliver for our citizens, now, as much as for future generations. 

As the world rapidly changes, we must change with it. We, policymakers, have to adapt our strategies and set the regulatory framework right for rapid change.

We must deliver reforms that deal with these issues, to showcase the economy and the environment as the same side of the same coin. They are inextricably linked to the security of our Union.

The challenge now is to ensure that no one falls through the cracks or is left behind. 

This means that we need to talk to all our citizens. This means that when somebody is worried about whether they can pay their bills or keep their job, we have the answers to that with both ambition and understanding.

After the economic crisis some years ago, we saw more and more people look away from Europe. This cannot happen again in a world that has become more unpredictable, and more dangerous.
We have to be careful not to throw away all the painful lessons learnt about European economic and fiscal policies. This is about pushing the concept of “Better Europe” that matches the need of “More Europe”. 

At the cost of repeating myself: Funds are finite, debts must be paid back and the only way we are able to do that is if we are able to grow our economies sustainably. 

And the legislation that we create and vote here is about creating new jobs, new sectors, and new industries, giving us a competitive edge. We can both save our planet and protect our ability to make a living and support the world around us.

Just a few weeks ago, we adopted - overwhelmingly - the Social Climate Fund. We know that when we look at our societies and the pressure that they are feeling, we have to deliver with funds that address and cushion the impact that our families, businesses, citizens, those who feel marginalised, want us to deliver. 

That means that we have a long way to go and that we can only be successful in our fight to deal with this crisis if we are in it together. That means bringing all of us on board. I appeal to you to be open, to be frank, discuss with each other, to come together and identify solutions that we need to take with us, as we convince people to vote for this European Parliament next year. 

The future of Europe is full of unbridled possibility that we must seize. 

Europe must, and should continue to lead by example. 

Thank you.